School is closed for two days (the WEAC teachers’ conference), so we took advantage of the fine autumn weather to get out of the house. We came to a familiar spot – the UW Arboretum. There are many interesting places to explore here, and the staff is always friendly and helpful. Today, we end up in Longenecker Gardens, a 35-acre section of the Arboretum devoted to trees, shrubs, and vines. It’s long and narrow, and good for play. (I think we had a football with us, or maybe a Frisbee, but whatever it was must be cleverly hidden in the pano.) We are especially enamored with this larch tree in the Gardens. It has so much going on, it’s hard to decide which way to look.
This was an especially goofy day in Longenecker. There was lots of running around and silly talk and laughter. (In other words, a perfect Wisconsin fall Thursday, just before Halloween.) Besides our own silliness, we saw a toddler chasing a full-grown wild turkey through Longenecker and out of sight into the woods. The only thing that could have made that scene better was if the turkey had reappeared chasing the toddler.
At some point, this amazing larch tree was declared a hotel, and we checked in. We occupied the hotel for quite a while. At least as long as it takes to set up and shoot a panorama, plus the length of time it takes for a toddler to chase a turkey across the Garden.
I shot several panos this day, and managed to botch every single one of them in one way or another. I’m glad this one of our “larch hotel” in Longenecker Gardens was salvageable. It was the best of the day.
Two famous people are immortalized in this shot.
Warning/Guarantee/Disclaimer: This is a big, multi-resolution panorama. It may take a while to load. For amazing detail, try viewing it full-screen.