Kitchal Bay is one of an endless array of stunning inlets along the shore of Lake George. Located on the eastern edge of Adirondack Park, Lake George is one mountain range over from Lake Champlain, almost to Vermont. Kitchal Bay is just south of the hamlet of Huletts Landing, and like most of the shore, it’s dotted with vacation homes.
The entrance to Kitchal Bay is guarded by Nobles Island. Like many (if not all) of the small, offshore islands in Lake George, Nobles Island is a public camping and picnicking spot. Behind Nobles Island is the larger Burgess Island and the shore towards Huletts Landing.
We are very fortunate to be staying here on the lake for a week. It’s a short walk to Kitchal Bay, and it’s fun to swim off the dock, known to the family as “The Dock.” There are some big, flat rocks in the water off the side if you want to ease into the cold waters of Lake George, or you can just jump off the end and get it over with.
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No famous people are immortalized in this shot. They were swimming elsewhere.